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Give Charity Administrators permission to directly disassociate pages

I am now on my third request with support to cancel a third party page that is not related to my institution. If I could remove these fake pages immediately from their affiliation with my charity, it would be a considerable time savings. 

  • Brian Strunk
  • Sep 18 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Katie Hendrickson commented
    23 Jan, 2020 11:15pm

    We have had two of these fake fundraising pages come through in the past 24 hours as well. We need the ability to immediately remove them.

  • Brian Strunk commented
    19 Sep, 2019 11:45am

    Q1 - I'm seeing the pages at the creation. I receive an email when a page is created. I'm trying to remove pages that aren't associated with our charity before donations start coming in.


    Q2 - As I expect to shut these pages down before gifts are made, I do not have an expectation. I wouldn't expect the money to be paid to our organization. 


    Q3 - Third parties are people with no real association to my charity. In my cases, all three have been created by people on different continents from my charity. I worry about donors being deceived - they think they are making a gift in support of this third party, but the money is flowing through to our charity instead. In the most recent example, the purported purpose of the third party was 'to raise money for all education' but I could find no relationship to my charity or its mission. It comes across reading like a phishing scam. 

  • Admin
    Jamie Parkins commented
    19 Sep, 2019 09:24am

    Thanks for the suggestion Brian. As a couple of follow ups:

    Q. Are you seeing pages created that have donations made to them that you would want to disassociate?

    Q. If so, what would your expectation be of how such donations are handled? Would you still expect them to be paid out to you as an organisation?

    Q. What criteria do you use for establishing a page suitable for disassociation? I ask, as we'd want to avoid circumstances where organisations are removing/killing valid pages that are users have created but perhaps not added any detail to. By that, what do you define as "third party page".
