Ideas Bank

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JGNG-I-326 OFFLINE GIFTS - Allow Administrators to add to Fundraiser pages.

Send gifts to fundraiser's page through our CRM Merged

We have fundraisers collect offline gifts and mail them to us, or have donors who give on an off-site donation form (e.g. PayPal, Luminate Online). The donor requests to appear on the fundraiser's JustGiving page.

In these situations, donor/gift records already exist in Raiser's Edge NXT. We would like a way to attach the gift to the peer-to-peer fundraising page, making it appear on the user's JustGiving page. Another Idea Bank entry requested the ability for fundraisers to enter individual offline gifts: an important feature, but different because we the NPO would be doing the entry instead (in many cases, the fundraiser would not know that he/she got the gift because it came directly to us).

  • Jeremy Reynolds
  • May 6 2019
  • Planned
  • Julia Hughes commented
    25 Jun, 2019 05:26pm

    it would be great if offline donations was by donation instead of a lump sum, feedback I've heard from fundraisers and charities alike. Not sure where that leaves us as far as permissions though when a donor hasn't gone through all the consent controls.

  • Jeremy Reynolds commented
    7 May, 2019 05:36pm

    What happens is:

    1. Donor asks friend to give
    2. Friend goes to our main website and donates
    3. Friend tells donor he/she gave
    4. Donor thinks site is broken because he didn't hear about the gift and the donation doesn't show on his fundraising page.
    5. (optional) both charity and donor enter offline gift and campaign thermometer isn't accurate anymore. Friend later asks why he/she still isn't showing on the donor's page.

    I know of at least one fundraiser that abandoned the platform because of step 4.

  • Admin
    Jamie Parkins commented
    7 May, 2019 11:31am

    Thanks Jeremy for the detailed idea.

    Few things to add here as current context although I accept that we could take offline donations further as a feature. 

    We currently allow:

    • Charities to add offline donations (amount) to their campaign
    • Fundraisers to add offline donations (amount) to their fundraising page

    This level of control feels about right but but clearly fails to support your needs so we'd need to explore whether fundraisers would accept having offline donations adding to their fundraising page outside of their control. That's an interesting one to learn!