Ideas Bank

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Charity to be able to remove 'comments'

At present, if there is a 'comment' showing on your charity's page that the charity doesn't want, it cannot remove it, and has to go through a long drawn out form with JG (don't know how long this takes to action) It would be more pro active if the charity had control of its own page!

  • Guest
  • Apr 24 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    30 May, 2023 01:42pm

    Totally agree.

    Charities need to have ability to edit their entire home page.