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Add "Eligible Amount" to the JustGiving Donation receipt for Canadian users.

The Canada Revenue Agency requires us to have this line item on our Charitable Tax Receipts and we cannot continue to use the JustGiving product unless this changes. We need to have the option to have this added to the receipt or the option to edit the receipt template in JustGiving to include this. Thanks!

  • Guest
  • Dec 13 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Feb 21:51

    strongly disagree with you that your charitable tax receipt, as is, is CRA compliant . I am a lawyer. By have both gift/eligible amount both visible in your format; you can not then only fill in one side (under gift) and expect CRA to allow the donation as eligibile when it is blank.

    You should have only one option in your format - eligible amount. Alternatively, if you insist on keeping both options in your format, then you MUST fill in both amounts.

    It is not to CRA’s advantage to “read in” what is clearly NOT there.

    I will be speaking to Ottawa Run about this as you have seen Race Roster’s sample receipt and you can easily find many more. Your receipt, as is, is not acceptable.