Ideas Bank

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Option to hide campaign totaliser


Following on from the suggestion that open ongoing campaigns should have the option of having monthly reoccurring donations, having the option to hide the totaliser for these open campaigns would be beneficial also. This is because, over time these campaigns will potentially generate a lot of money. Over the years some campaigns may amass upwards of 6 figures. Unfortunately to many potential donors, these figures can be daunting and as the totaliser figure is high, on occasions some donors will feel that the campaign is not worthy of their donations (the campaign has raised a lot of money already and therefore doesn't need more) and may choose to donate elsewhere.

In essence, what the charity is looking for is a landing page for each campaign from its own website that can accept one off and monthly donations. These landing pages would be ongoing. This would allow the charity to funnel all donor traffic from its website to relevant JustGiving landing pages (campaign pages). Allowing the charity to not have it's own payment acceptance processes and therefore reducing overheads associated with this.

Would be wonderful if we as a charity could just funnel everything through JustGiving. Thanks.

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2022
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jamie Parkins commented
    6 Sep, 2022 02:42pm

    Hello there,

    In respect to the ability to hide campaign totalisers that is something we are unlikely to offer at present. We believe in being transparent about how much has been raised at any point in time of a campaign or fundraising page's timeline. Our community have told us that it's important that they know how much has been raised and in many cases they find totals motivating whether it's helping to hit a major milestone or to know that they are donating to something bigger than simply the sum of their donation. It is these types of use cases that we would be keen to support.