Ideas Bank

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Ability to Process Registration Fees

We want to create the most streamlined donor-centric approach for constituents registering for our annual 5K event, while encouraging them to fundraise for our event. Ideally, this would entail processing their registration fee while they create a fundraising/supporter page.

  • Austen Brown
  • Apr 6 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Naomi O'Connor commented
    12 Aug, 2021 05:19pm

    Clarification: I'd like supporters to be able to register (fee or no fee) and to create a fundraising page IF they choose to do so, but also have the option to just register with no page. And then all of this needs to flow into RE in terms of gifts, event registration/participation, fundraising info etc.

  • Naomi O'Connor commented
    12 Aug, 2021 05:16pm

    Yes, yes, and YES! This has been a huge pain for us, as we want to allow flexible options for supporters to just register (fee or no fee), AND to also create a fundraising page in one place. I've been troubleshooting workarounds and none of them are streamlined. Using a third party event registration when RE already has event registration capabilities in NXT (underdeveloped) and OLX doesn't make sense and isn't efficient data-wise. It's like we have to sacrifice either clarity and a process that makes sense or sacrifice revenue and/or data capture loss.

  • Admin
    Jamie Parkins commented
    7 Apr, 2021 08:18am

    Thank you for the suggestion Austen,

    This is something we're aware of and whilst we have integrations with a number of event registration softwares (Active, EventBrite, NuTickets, EventMaster etc) it is something we're also looking further into. As you say for that end to end ticket to fundraiser experience.
