Ideas Bank

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Allow Business/Organization Name Formats in Addition to Individuals

At the moment, JustGiving's fundraiser name pulls from the First and Last Name fields on the fundraiser's JustGiving Account. We have businesses & organizations from within our community that are participating in our campaigns and we think it would be helpful for these businesses and organizations to be able to list their name rather than an individual's name.

For example, if Blackbaud, Inc. the company were fundraising for us, it looks a bit odd for it to display as John Smith's fundraising page even if he's the one that set it up.

The closest option we have right now is to split the organization's name into first and last names (First Name: Blackbaud Last Name: Inc.) but this doesn't play well with single word business names or the integrations which assume these are all individuals.

  • Sara Kruczynski
  • Oct 5 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Kelly Seigh commented
    2 Sep, 2021 04:37pm

    This would be a game changer, as the majority of fundraisers at my food bank are starting a fundraiser for their company. I just read Tara Sinicropi's comment and am in the same boat with the complicated integration between Just Giving and RENXT when it comes to companies.

  • Tara Sinicropi commented
    21 Oct, 2020 04:52pm

    Yes, please! This is a major headache with JustGiving for our nonprofit. There are many companies that want to set up a fundraiser to engage their employees in giving. It can be challenging to explain they have to set their profile up with the company name, and especially tough if their company name doesn't have two words to split across first name, last name.

    There's also the layer of how fundraisers integrate into NXT as individuals. Currently, if someone sets up a fundraiser on behalf of their company, the fundraiser will not show up on the Peer to Peer Fundraising tile on the company's record in NXT. The fundraiser will show up on the individual's record, or a completely new record with the company's name but individual's email. It makes it impossible to track the fundraisers companies host for us, because the information lives on an individual record and there is no way to reassign the fundraiser information in NXT.

  • Guest commented
    6 Oct, 2020 12:17pm

    I work with a JustGiving registered charity, and each year our community puts on a major grassroots fundraising effort for our Cancer Center. The majority of the fundraising comes through group activities put on by a business, local high school sports team, or other community organization. Additionally, in the 11th year of this fundraiser, members of our larger community associate certain businesses with the overall fundraiser. It would be very helpful, for group morale, ease of association, and consistency, to be able to override the name of the person who created the JustGiving page with the name of the group they are fundraising with. Thank you!

  • Katharine Conroy commented
    5 Oct, 2020 09:38pm

    I work with a JustGiving registered charity, and each year our community puts on a major grassroots fundraising effort for our Cancer Center. The majority of the fundraising comes through group activities put on by a business, local high school sports team, or other community organization. Additionally, in the 11th year of this fundraiser, members of our larger community associate certain businesses with the overall fundraiser. It would be very helpful, for group morale, ease of association, and consistency, to be able to override the name of the person who created the JustGiving page with the name of the group they are fundraising with. Thank you!