Ideas Bank

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Micro donation buttons inserted into online articles

I would like to read an article and be able to press a button to donate 50pence, for instance, if I liked the cause. I'm a writer and I would like to be able to put a button in my articles for WWT, WWF and other wildlife causes. If 1,000000 million read an article about something they feel passionate about, and half the people reading it give a small amount, it could make a big difference. I think people tend to support a charity, so they think I can't give £20, but might enjoy the chance to easily give 50pence at a click. (Like i-tunes. You can buy one tune for 79pence it is very easy) Yours - Fiona

  • Guest
  • Jun 18 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Jun, 2020 06:33am

    Dear Jamie,

    Thank you, that's so interesting. I wonder how the problem of processing
    costs could be solved?

    Do you think Client Earth might be able to help with the legalities?

    I support a few charities with monthly donations, and am therefore
    reluctant to support new causes. BUT - if I had my account set up with you,
    I would happily give 50pence here and there as I was reading.

    I could also include donate buttons in my own blogs. (I support Client
    Earth, Great Ormond Street Childrens' hospital, WWT and a couple of others.)

    I see the account working as easily as i-tunes.

    I go on i-tunes - I can buy a tune for 79 pence or an album for £10 or a
    movie easily at a click.

    I read an article about a kid who has invented a method for pulling micro
    plastics out of the ocean (Fionn Ferreira) I think how incredible, there's
    a donate button - I'll give 50pence for that, or £5, towards his
    research, because he has a trusted arrangement with you. Similar to
    i-tunes? Who must somehow pay all those thousands of musicians and
    film-makers? (And amazon, couldn't be easier to spend money with them.)

    Or, I see on facebook that WWT have rehabilitated wetlands in my area - I
    already support other charities, so I don't want to make a huge commitment,
    but I share it because I love it...NOW I can give 50 pence AND share it
    too...Gets 30,0000 shares - enough give 50pence that an extra £5,000 comes
    in, just from that one peice of content they spent time and money creating.

    It would open up a whole new world and language of donating, so many more
    little inlets alongside the big channels to bring in much needed revenue. I
    believe it could help turn a lot of tides. (I think block chain will bring
    change at some point, too.)

    If the legalities could be sorted out, do you think the idea is something
    Just Giving would be interested in?

    Yours - Fiona Mordaunt

  • Admin
    Jamie Parkins commented
    18 Jun, 2020 11:30am

    Thanks for the suggestion Fiona. There are certainly some pros and cons to that model. For one, processing costs on a small donation are the same as a large donation so the ROI for a charity on a 50p donation is less, but I take your point that lots of donations certainly stack up - hence the success of roll up schemes and SMS donations.

    We are exploring a service that will allow any publisher, app owner, service to integrate giving into their content and JustGiving be the payment rails behind that. That leaves the publisher to do what they do best and for us at JustGiving to do what we do best - process and channel funds to great causes!